Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - All-Time

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Note: A minimum of 21 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
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Ty Kozlowski
1. Ty Kozlowski .425
2. Brodie Engel .400
3. James Heinritz .367
4. Don Matovich .349
5. Jason Kalman .339
Plate Appearances PA
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Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 255
2. Ty Kozlowski 212
3. Adam Bigus 208
4. Don Matovich 194
5. Dean Haase 142
On-Base Percentage OBP
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Ty Kozlowski
1. Ty Kozlowski .524
2. James Heinritz .475
3. Jason Kalman .428
4. Dean Haase .423
5. Don Matovich .409
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
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Ty Kozlowski
1. Ty Kozlowski 1.104
2. James Heinritz .986
3. Jason Kalman .970
4. Don Matovich .844
5. Dean Haase .830
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium ty
Ty Kozlowski
1. Ty Kozlowski .580
2. Jason Kalman .542
3. James Heinritz .510
4. Brett Krause .468
5. Don Matovich .434
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
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Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 33
2. Ty Kozlowski 33
3. Dean Haase 27
4. Jason Kalman 17
5. Adam Bigus 17
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
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Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 7
2. Joe Erd 3
3. Dan Wnuk 2
4. Don Matovich 1
5. Brett Krause 1
Note: A minimum of 21 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
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Troy Kenkel
1. Troy Kenkel 2.84
2. Joey Bratten 3.86
3. Nick Erd 3.98
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
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Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 1.40
2. Troy Kenkel 1.41
3. Joey Bratten 1.53
Innings Pitched IP
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Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 214.2
2. Troy Kenkel 177.1
3. Joey Bratten 32.2
4. Connor Engel 12.0
5. Jim Ziegler 7.0
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
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Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 80
2. Troy Kenkel 66
3. Joey Bratten 13
4. Tony Zacharias 13
5. Connor Engel 10
Note: A minimum of 0 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.